April 2, 2009: NanoHorizons Inc., a developer and manufacturer of SmartSilver nanoscale antimicrobial additives for textiles, health care, and industrial applications, has joined with four other companies to create the Silver Nanotechnology Working Group under the sponsorship of the Silver Institute and the Silver Research Consortium. The group’s purpose is to collect and generate data that more completely document the performance benefits of silver nanoparticles in consumer and industrial applications.
“As conscientious scientists, we thrive on intensive research and peer review of our findings,” James Delattre, VP Global Marketing at NanoHorizons, said in a prepared statement. “Collaboration with other like-minded companies through the Silver Nanotechnology Working Group will allow us to more quickly advance silver nanoparticle science and bring additional beneficial products to market.”
The Silver Nanotechnology Working Group will initially focus on increasing scientific, regulatory, and public understanding of silver nanotechnology with concentration on the environmental and human health aspects. “Silver has been revered as an effective antimicrobial since ancient times,” continues Delattre. “The application of modern nanotechnology to silver enhances its natural antimicrobial benefits and greatly increases the breadth of its useful applications.” For example, NanoHorizons’ SmartSilver additives are used to effectively control bacteria in apparel, medical devices and textiles, as well as coatings and plastics.
Prior to joining the Silver Nanotechnology Working Group, NanoHorizons worked with the EPA to ensure that its SmartSilver antimicrobial additives pose no risk to the environment when used in fibers, coatings, and polymer applications. NanoHorizons also obtained approval from the International Oeko-Tex Association to confirm that the additives do not contain harmful levels of substances believed to be dangerous to human health. Silver is not included on Oeko-Tex’s list of restricted substances.