SEMICON West: spectator or participant?

By Debra Vogler, Instant Insight Inc., and

At this year’s SEMICON West, you have an opportunity to participate in a manner that is different from past events. Whether you will be attending in person, catching the news online, or following the event from your office thousands of miles away, you will be able to connect with conference exhibitors and attendees by way of If you attend an interesting new product demo and tweet about it – we’ll follow the conversation. Or perhaps you’ll tweet about a surprising bit of technology news – we’ll pick up on that as well. After the show, we’ll post a graph showing the hot products and discussion topics that captured the imaginations of show-goers.

To facilitate the process, I will be tweeting before, during and after the show – providing news updates, interesting quotes from industry executives, reporting from the various venues and receptions, and highlighting feature articles from the Show Dailies.

Please join me and the team at as we roll out a new way to participate in SEMICON West. It’s an opportunity to be more than a spectator at this exciting annual industry event. Follow Twitter handle @mysemicondaily; you can also follow my tweets by searching for #DebraVogler.

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