Leti to Present Technological Platforms Targeting Industry’s Needs for the Future at Semicon West Workshop

CEA-Leti will highlight advanced technologies to meet future challenges for microelectronics designers and manufacturers at its annual LetiDay San Francisco workshop during SEMICON West in San Francisco, Calif., July 8-10.

In addition, Leti experts will present on lithography developments at the Semiconductor Technology Symposium and on silicon photonics at TechXPOT North on July 9.
This year, LetiDay San Francisco will focus on its technological platforms targeting future industry demands. The event will be from 5-7 p.m. on July 8 in the W Hotel Great Room, 181 3rd St.

Workshop topics include:

  • “CEA-Leti, a unique set of technical platforms and expertise to address future industrial challenges”. Leti CEO Laurent Malier
  • “M3D, a disruptive approach for further scaling”. Olivier Faynot, Devices Department Director
  • “New Non-Volatile Memory Technologies”. Luca Perniola, Advanced Memory Technology Laboratory Manager
  • “Generic MEMS Platform”. Philippe Robert, MEMS Department Director
  • “Cost-effective lithography solutions for the future”. Laurent Pain, Lithography Laboratory Manager, and
  • “Wafer bonding solutions for new applications”. Chrystel Deguet, Surface and Interfaces Department Director

Leti presentations:

Semiconductor Technology Symposium, 2:15-2:35 p.m., July 9, Moscone North, Hall E, Room 131. Leti Lithography Program Manager Serge Tedesco will present at the session on “Readiness of Advanced Lithography Technologies for HVM.” His topic is “Leti Lithography Programs Toward Cost-effective Solutions for 1X Nodes.”

TechXPOT North, 11:50-12:10 p.m., July 9. Leti Vice President of Strategic Partnerships Hughes Metras will present at the session on “Bringing Silicon Photonics to Market”. His topic is “Scaling the Silicon Photonics Toolbox for Optical Communications with Denser Integration Requirements.”