About Us

Our world continues to change. Especially in how we engage, share, and connect with one another for business. As social media and the social web evolves, every media property and business community are looking for the best ways to utilize the new tools and platforms available today. That’s what we’re all about. MySemiconDaily is a new innovative social web based media channel built exclusively for the semiconductor equipment and manufacturing industry. Providing a blend of original and aggregated content, completely mobile friendly, and free to access and engage, MySemiconDaily is developing one of the largest communities on the social web in this industry.
New Media Future
Many traditional b2b print publications and websites continue to struggle with the lack of adaptation to the new social model of the web. We wanted to fill this void by creating an exciting new media platform that integrates traditional publishing ideas with leading-edge audience development technology and social web strategies that build and connect the right audience. In addition to providing compelling content for our community, this solution also gives our partners and sponsors a powerful voice in the business conversation taking place on social web among their customers and peers. We help companies reinforce their brands and strengthen their influence in the marketplace.

MySemiconDaily is one of the recent social web publishing platforms launched by Tradeshow Media Partners. Founded in 2000 as Tradeshow Publications, LLC, the company began with a focus on overnight print show dailies that brought news and information from the trade show to the show’s audience each morning of the show. Although still heavily involved in print show dailies, since 2010 Tradeshow Media Partners has been integrating traditional publishing practices with emerging social web publishing strategies centered around various b2b vertical markets and their major trade shows.  

We hope you enjoy MySemiconDaily and find it useful and informative. Contact us with your comments and suggestions and if you’re a company looking for engagement with your brand, don’t forget to ask us about our sponsor and partnership opportunities.

More info on Advertising and Partnering with MySemiconDaily

Contact Us:
Mark Larson
Tradeshow Media Partners

81 Lansing Street, Suite 206
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415) 371-1525
Fax: (415) 371-1526
Email: [email protected]
Meet the Founder

Mark Larson has been in the print media and b2b magazine publishing business for over 25 years. In 2000 he founded Tradeshow Publications, combining his years of experience in the printing and magazine publishing businesses to focus on overnight trade show dailies. As president of Tradeshow Media Partners Mark has produced and managed hundreds of show dailies for all kinds of clients and client-partners, and since 2010 has been integrating leading-edge social web strategies like MySemiconDaily with traditional event print media.