Dehumidification systems
DESICAIR dehumidification systems from Air Technology Systems are now being used in military applications for preservation systems where inactive aircraft, tanks or ships need to be stored for long periods and protected from rust, mold and other damage.
The systems utilize a specially synthesized form of silica gel permanently bonded into a ceramic matrix rotor. The desiccant is inert, nontoxic, not granular and nondeliquescent.
High-grade filters can be used to control air borne particulates and the rotor may be washed with water or solvents, if necessary.
DESICAIR units are also used for reclaiming equipment, materials and buildings that have suffered water damage.
Other commercial and typical process applications include pharmaceuticals, plastics, archival storage, water treatment plants, foods and electronics.
Air Technology Systems
Frederick, MD
(301) 620-2033