Pressure monitor
The Model DPM-200 Digital Pressure Monitor from Airo Clean Inc. features an audible alarm with time delay that meets CDC guidelines. The new monitor has a continuous direct readout numeric display measurable down to 0.001 in. of water. The alarm configuration is user adjustable and has a simple alarm setpoint confirmation. The pressure sensor is a differential pressure capacitance cell for pressure measurements ranging from -0.100 to 0 to + 0.100 in. of water. Other specifications: accuracy of reading +/- 1.0 percent of span +1 digit (including non-linearity and hysteresis), and setpoint accuracy +/- 0.2 percent of span +1 digit (including repeatability). The DPM-200 also includes a reset button, silent switch, adjustable alarm volume and test button. Options are a portable version and remote nursing station alarm box.
Airo Clean, Inc.
Exton, PA
(610) 524-8100