Contamination control course set
Baltimore, MD
The University of Arizona and Future Resource Development will sponsor a three-day course on the practical aspects of contamination control. The course will be at the Holiday Inn — Inner Harbor, Baltimore, MD from Sept. 8 – 16, 1997. The instructor will be Harold Fitch, president of Future Resource Development. The course will cover cleanroom protocol, measurement and analysis, dimensions of contamination control, commodities, and cleanroom design and construction. In addition, the course will teach the student how to perform audits, how to manage a contamination control program, and how to transfer ownership of contamination control responsibilities. For information, contact Engineering Professional Development, 1224 N. Vine Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719-4552, phone (520) 621-3054, fax (520) 621-1443. Harold Fitch can be reached at [email protected]. ? SES