It could happen to anyone in a bunny suit
As I write this column, the U.S. Air Force just released its statement about the 1947 alleged Roswell Incident. Much to my dismay, the Air Force didn`t really find EBEs — extraterrestrial biological entities — nope, it was a hot air balloon and a few car-crash-type dummies falling from the sky. If that doesn`t sound a bit far fetched, how about this?
Suppose you`re in the middle of the Arizona desert, working at a highly proprietary semiconductor R&D facility. It`s almost 4 p.m., and you`re in your white coveralls, booties, hood, goggles, double-gloved, and wearing special cleanroom undergarments. There are about three or four people working in the Class 100 cleanroom, but you`re up to your elbows in a Class 1 minienvironment. A loud alarm signals an immediate evacuation of the building. It`s an earthquake!
You don`t have time to de-gown. You`re out of the cleanroom, through the airlock and outside before the earthquake is over. At the same time as your facility is evacuated, a big green tourist bus is lost and the bus driver is asking directions from the parking lot security guard. The earthquake has prompted all the tourists to get off the bus, and from across the parking lot, you see them pointing and you hear excited exclamations.
You`re trying to unsnap your hood and pull off your face mask, but you can see flashes and lights from cameras and camcorders. The earth finally stops moving. And, you`re rushed back inside.
The next day on the front page of The Arizona Free-Press Ledger you see a photo of your building with you and your bunny-suited colleagues standing outside. The headline reads: “Earthquake Yields Aliens from Government Lab.”
One tourist is quoted as saying: “They couldn`t have been human. They were all in white, walking like ducks out of water and grabbing at the place where their faces should have been.”
Your company`s PR agency says those tourists have been watching too many episodes of “The X Files” and no aliens are living at your facility.
Did this really happen?
You be the judge.