Ready, set…write!

Amy Knutson-Strack


In the short time I have worked for Advanced Packaging magazine, I have received many phone calls from potential authors who want to write for the magazine. Wonderful! Our best articles tend to come directly from those immersed in the industry, so these inquiries are always welcome. We are always looking for insightful articles that will help our readers better understand this industry – in effect, helping people connect the dots so everyone can excel in their jobs.

I also know from experience that there are many other readers out there who would like to write for us, but they just don`t know where to begin. Just dropping us a line will oftentimes get the ball moving.

Have an Idea? An Opinion?

If you are interested in writing for Advanced Packaging magazine, here are a few helpful hints to get you started. First, your article needs to be originally written for the magazine and contain new information regarding the design and fabrication of advanced electronic component packaging. How-to articles are also well-received, particularly if they tackle problems head-on with practical solutions. Something that you`ve discovered might very well help others in the industry – sharing such knowledge only helps push the industry forward. If you aren`t interested in writing a full-fledged technical article, perhaps a shorter commentary for “Industry Voices” would be of interest to you.

All articles are reviewed, so be sure to substantiate your claims and ideas, in addition to offering practical application information or solutions to technical challenges. Our staff is professionally trained to strengthen manuscripts and fine tune them for our readership, so it isn`t unusual for the staff to ask questions or offer suggestions before or after a manuscript has been submitted. Each article or column should have a title, the text itself, and references, as appropriate. Graphics, tables and figures are especially important to include in technical articles, as they can help support your point or help our readers grasp difficult concepts.

So, if you have an article idea and you would like to explore writing for Advanced Packaging magazine, please feel free to contact us. Or, if you have an idea that you would like to see covered in the magazine (and can`t write it yourself) this would be good information to pass along to us, too.

For a copy of our revised author guidelines or our 2000 editorial calendar with recommended deadlines, please contact the editorial department at our new Chicagoland office:

Advanced Packaging Magazine

430 North Milwaukee Avenue

Suite 10

Lincolnshire, IL 60069

We look forward to hearing from you, and to the possibility to working with you in the future.

Until next month,

Amy Knutson-Strack


[email protected]

P.S. AP magazine will be attending a number of trade shows and seminars in early March. If you plan to attend NEPCON West, IMAPS Materials or APEX 2000, please feel free to track us down and let us know your thoughts about the magazine. We look forward to having an opportunity to meet with you.


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