November 2, 2001 — CONCORD, MA — The new home for Bedford, Mass. biotech firm Boston Probes has been finished and features a state -of-the-art cleanroom and laboratory space, as well as expended office space.
Boston Probes is a developer of peptide Nucleic Acid probe technology used in human in vitro diagnostics, environmental, agriculture, veterinary and industrial testing. The new facility features an ISO Class 8 (Class 100,000) cleanroom suite that houses staging/quarantine, gowning, synthesis, purification, drying and release storage areas.
J.M. Coull was responsible for design and construction of the facility, which also features a molecular biology lab, microbiology labs, chemistry labs, office space, administrative areas, a darkroom, a qc lab, and a hazardous waste storage area.
For more information about this project, see “Built to Spec” in the the December 2001 issue of CleanRooms magazine.