Call for Papers

CleanRooms Europe 2002 and CleanRooms Asia 2002

Have a contamination control paper you'd like to share with the world? As a CleanRooms conference faculty member, you benefit from the prestige and visibility of participating in the world's largest contamination control exhibitions in Europe (Frankfurt, June 18-21) and Asia (Singapore, July 30-Aug. 1). Your audience includes engineers and managers who manage cleanrooms and contamination control environments.

All submissions should include the following information: Name; Title; Company; Address; City/State; Zip Code/Country; Email; Phone; Fax and Presentation Title. Attach a 50-100 word descriptive abstract of your presentation for consideration, including five benefit bullet points that encapsulate what an attendee will take away from your technical presentation.

Forward to Meg Villeneuve at [email protected] (603) 891-9421


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