July 31, 2003 – Export sales from major US electronics firms to Malaysia will jump 15% in 2003, and will jump again in 2004, according to the Malaysian American Electronics Industry.
The industry group said total sales of its 18 members were expected to increase to $15.5 billion this year, after growth of 15% in 2002; semiconductor sales were forecast to jump 17.7%. Capital investment by MAEI firms, however, is projected to drop 13% this year, after having shrunk by 30% in 2002. MAEI interim chairman Teh Chin Bin said he expects investments to pick up again once plant utilization, now at 70%, improves to 75%.
MAEI member companies, which include Intel, Motorola, Western Digital, Dell Computer, and Seagate Industries, accounted for nearly a quarter of Malaysia’s total electronics exports and 14.5% of total manufactured exports in 2002.