X-ray Inspection Technology
TIGER (FXS-160.40) X-ray system offers proprietary true X-ray intensity (TXI) control to assist operators in identifying production anomalies with 100 percent consistent X-ray images. The technology provides immediate and steady X-ray intensity after auto-start, long-term stability of X-ray intensity, constant image contrast and brightness for recurring inspection tasks, repeatability during automated BGA analysis routines, and more. FEINFOCUS, Stamford, Conn., www.feinfocus.com.
Packaging Solution
The power quad flat pack no-lead (PQFN) package boosts silicon performance by eliminating limitations of existing packages. The surface mount package is designed to meet the high-power dissipation requirements of automotive, industrial, commercial and marine applications. The package reportedly also provides advantages over existing QFP no-lead packages and other existing power IC packages, including: leadless package replaces existing larger, axial leaded packages; proven solder joint reliability when surface mounted to PCBs; cost-effective solution for multichip power products; environmentally preferred packaging materials; MAP process allows electrical and physical flag isolation of multiple die; design and process flexibility in a common surface mount form factor; good thermal performance with 20-mm-thick copper lead frame; and low contribution to electrical on-resistance. Motorola Inc., Tempe, Ariz., www.motorola.com.
Non-porous Dielectric Materials
This company entered the low-k dielectrics market with a range of non-porous low-k and ultra-low-k dielectric materials. These materials reportedly process like CVD TEOS, while providing the extendibility of spin-on low-k materials — offering a range of k-values from 2.2 to 3.0 in a non-porous film. Integration has been proven through unit processes such as etch, ash and CMP, and in subtractive aluminum via chain structures. The materials allow IC device manufacturers to produce faster chips that consume less power, while reducing their capital expenditures and cost of ownership. Additionally, the materials reportedly solve the numerous problems associated with porous dielectric films. To attain k values below 2.6, most other low-k materials must incorporate 20 to 50 percent porosity. Silecs Inc., San Jose, Calif., www.silecs.com.
Wire Bonder
A high-speed thermosonic ball-and-stitch wire bonder, Model 8000 is designed to place eight wires per second with a table repeatability of better than ±5 µm. With a 12 ¥ 16″ X-Y bond area, the bonder can handle large hybrids, MCMs or several smaller devices simultaneously. A combination of the advanced Cognex 8000 vision system and dual-source programmable LED lighting reportedly facilitates accurate targeting and placement. This level of accuracy, along with highly repeatable ball formation, enables tight spacing between wires. Typical uses for the bonder are wire bonding for microelectronic packaging, including most semiconductor-based interconnect applications. Palomar Technologies, Vista, Calif., www.palomartechnologies.com.
Optical Tables
This company offers a full line of Large Optical Tables. These tables reportedly are constructed to exacting standards and consistently provide users a flat, stiff, highly damped surface with high natural frequency. The tables exceed the performance levels of competitive models in comparable categories for both maximum dynamic deflection and maximum relative motion. Ranging in size to 6 ¥ 16´, with larger sizes available on request, the tabletops are designed with a honeycomb core and feature the company's proprietary SPILLPRUF design. The tables are available in four performance levels to ensure customer satisfaction: OPTILANE is for critical research applications; LABPLANE is for precision laboratory procedures; VALUPLANE is for applications in which vibration is nominal to low; and ECONOPLANE is for minimal to low vibration environments, but has a thinner top skin. Kinetic Systems Inc., Boston, Mass., www.kineticsystems.com.
Pick-and-place System
An automatic die pick-and-place system, A45, is available for 300-mm wafers. Reportedly low-cost, the system is wafer map capable. Options include visual inspection, die flipping and electrical test. The high-speed vision processor can perform die visual inspection of several die simultaneously. Die then are picked ..and transferred to test stage, gel pak, waffle pak or film frame. DieSort Manager is a Windows-based user interface application that controls machine setup from process recipes and networks the system to device map databases. Menu-driven programming enables quick product changeover. Royce Instruments Inc., Napa, Calif., ww.royceinstruments.com.