Aug. 16, 2004 – Drops in price and size are boosting the profile and proliferation of MEMS sensors in consumer electronics devices, according to a new report.
“MEMS & Consumer Electronics: Growing up Fast,” written by In-Stat/MDR senior analyst Marlene Bourne, said revenues for MEMS in consumer electronics are forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 13.2 percent between 2003 and 2008.
While most applications remain in niche markets, the report said sensors and other MEMS devices are moving into an increasing number of products. Devices leading the way are optical MEMS, radio-frequency MEMS and accelerometers, in markets such as home theater systems, mobile phones and appliances.
The 58-page report, which includes a worldwide forecast of unit shipments and revenues through 2008, is $3,295.