August 24–The IEST Working Group-CC004 have finished their revision of IEST-RP-CC004.3, Evaluating Wiping Materials in Cleanrooms and Other Controlled Environments. This newly revised recommended practice describes methods for testing wipers used in cleanrooms and other controlled environments for characteristics related to both cleanliness and function.
This updated edition of the document includes a new section on recommended laboratory practices for use in testing wiping products. These practices are designed to promote the quality and validity of all laboratory measurements using standard practices and procedures. It also includes a new section with a procedure for sampling and quantifying bioburden on the surfaces of consumables intended for use in cleanrooms and other controlled environments. The section for evaluation of particles has been revised, with a section regarding sampling techniques to remove particles from a wiper, and a section regarding enumeration of the particles released from the wiper. There was a significant effort to make this document more user friendly and all inclusive for the novice to easily understand and execute the procedures without having to reference other materials to perform the tasks.
IEST-RP-CC004.3 is available exclusively from IEST, an international, technical society of engineers, scientists, and educators that serves its members and the industries they represent (simulating, testing, controlling, and teaching the environments of earth and space) through education and the development of recommended practices and standards.