August 9, 2004 – Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has unveiled what it calls a world’s first: a 2.6-in. TFT-LCD with 300ppi (pixels/inch) image quality, built on amorphous silicon (a-Si) rather than polycristalline silicon, which typically has been preferred for use in TFT-LCDs due to its high degree of integration.
The display, which follows the creation in May of a 1.94-in. display with 207ppi resolution, promises nearly 7x greater resolution than a 42-in. high-def LCD TV at 300ppi. Building amorphous silicon gates into the LCD panel “maximiz[es] the efficiency of LCD design, controllers, and module processing,” stated Samsung VP Kim Hyung Guel.
Mass production of the a-Si LCDs will begin in December, targeted for use for “smart phones” and mobile phones designed for digital multimedia broadcasting.