As an addicted viewer of the cable advertisement/news networks, I’m keenly aware of the growing infatuation these organizations have with themselves. It seems that when they’re not reporting and commentating on their own importance to, and impact on, the news events around the world, the actual news and information they do provide to their viewers is provided through interviews with their own reporters, editors and commentators. These must be truly remarkable individuals, simultaneously expert on every subject, science and issue under the sun. In reality, however, even their official “expert” analysts are usually long since retired from the fields in which they were once actually directly involved, in favor of their new media careers.
The trade press is apparently also not immune to this phenomenon, but it’s perhaps particularly remarkable given the scope of, and rapid pace of advancement and change in, most of the extremely high-tech industries being covered. My take on this can be summed up in the advice I’ve personally taken, and have also been giving for years to the editors and reporters who’ve worked for me: “It’s not what you know… It’s what the people you talk to know and how well you extract that knowledge from them and communicate it to your readers.”
The point is that industry trade publications shouldn’t be about themselves, they should be about you-the readers. You are the experts. Since 1987, CleanRooms magazine has been “The Magazine of Contamination Control Technology,” and although a great many of the readers of this publication are legitimate experts in one or more critical aspects of contamination-control technology, at a minimum, every reader is knowledgeable in the specific manufacturing challenges they face and why effective contamination control is so important to addressing them.
Our job is to make sure we get you the information you need, from the expert sources that have it, and provide it to you in a timely, clear and concise form. And, to do that we need to stay connected to you.
Every day I receive e-mail messages and materials from companies, PR firms, news services, industry contacts, government agencies, and others. I check every one. But, the ones I’m most excited to get, and the ones I open first, are those from readers. I’m desperate for your feedback, suggestions, and observations. The same is true for the many conferences and exhibitions we host and attend. Everyone is invited to stop by our exhibit booth and pick up a copy of the latest issue, but no one is more welcome to stop and chat than our readers. We’re constantly looking for better ways to meet your information needs. What are your questions and concerns? What are your current challenges? What information do you need that you haven’t yet been able to find? What have you learned that could benefit others? If we can’t point you to an existing information source, we’ll contact the right experts and create one. Your input really does drive the direction and content of this publication.
I encourage you to write to me directly (long or short, important or even petty) at [email protected]. There are no presorts, preroutings or screens. Your message comes directly to me. Or, if you prefer, call my direct line at (603) 891-9322. I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you.