(October 27, 2005) San Jose, Calif. — SEMI has published eight new technical standards applicable to the semiconductor, flat panel display (FPD), and MEMS manufacturing industries. Developed by technical experts from equipment suppliers, device manufacturers and other companies participating in the SEMI International Standards Program, the standards are available for purchase in CD-ROM format or downloadable from SEMI’s website.
(October 27, 2005) Leuven, Belgium — Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. has agreed to become a core partner in IMEC’s sub-45-nm CMOS research program. With TSMC joining this core program, eight IC manufacturers — Infineon, Intel, Matsushita/Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, and TSMC — now collaborate in IMEC’s 300-mm research facilities to conquer the ITRS challenges.