The HiRes Generation THRU-Scan from Sonoscan, was developed to significantly enhance through-transmission imaging with Sonoscan’s C-SAM line of acoustic microscopes. Reflection-mode acoustic imaging (the most frequently used mode) is limited to a defined depth within a sample, but THRU-Scan images the whole thickness in one scan.
For example, a plastic-encapsulated microcircuit might have 5 layers. Reflection-mode imaging typically selects one or two internal interfaces to image for anomalies or defects. THRU-Scan images all 5 layers and 4 imultaneously, revealing defects or anomalies at any depth. By itself, THRU-Scan provides a fast non-destructive method for determining whether an internal defect is present. It can also be used along with reflection-mode imaging to simultaneously verify the x-y location of a defect and specify its depth.
HiRes Generation THRU-Scan differs from previous versions by reportedly permitting higher resolution in the acoustic image without sacrificing penetration. Edges are said to be more sharply defined, contrast is greater, and thicker samples can be imaged. Sonoscan Elk Grove Village, IL.