July 31, 2008 — The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will use SouthWest NanoTechnologies Inc.’s SWeNT SG65 single-wall carbon nanotubes, manufactured by the CoMoCAT process, as the starting material for a Standard Reference Material (SRMs).
NIST certifies and provides SRMs that exhibit well-characterized and consistent composition and properties. SRMs are used to perform instrument calibrations, verify the accuracy of specific measurements and support the development of new measurement methods. Industry, academia and government use NIST SRMs to facilitate commerce and trade and to advance research and development. NIST supplies more than 1,300 reference materials.
“We are pleased to be able to provide SWeNT SG65 as the starting material needed for NIST to develop its single-wall carbon nanotube SRM single-wall carbon nanotube SRM,” said SWeNT CEO David Arthur. “This represents for us an additional confirmation that our efforts in the area of product quality and consistency have paid off. We support NIST’s work to create a SRM for single-wall carbon nanotubes.”
In June, SWeNT moved into a new manufacturing facility, where its single-wall carbon nanotube production capability has increased 100-fold single-wall carbon nanotube production capability has increased 100-fold . SWeNT also maintains an applications and business development center in the Route 128/Boston, Massachusetts area to help customers integrate SWeNT nanotubes into their applications.