SEMATECH takes Veeco AFM for EUV work

July 6, 2009: SEMATECH has accepted a Veeco Insight 3D atomic force microscope (AFM) to be put to use for non-destructive reference metrology for critical dimension (CD), overlay and contour, and 3D characterization of resist features in extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) lithography.

The work will be done as part of the International SEMATECH Manufacturing Initiative’s (ISMI) metrology program, located at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering’s (CNSE) Albany NanoTech Complex.

“One of the greatest metrology concerns for the 32-nanometer node and below is accuracy as it applies to CD and overlay measurements,” said John Allgair, SEMATECH metrology program manager, in a statement. “The InSight 3DAFM tool will address this concern and will be used as part of our overall CD metrology strategy to provide reference metrology for CD-SEMs and scatterometry [and] provide three-dimensional characterization of advanced EUVL resist structures.”


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