Non-silicone Thermal Grease

Fujipoly America released two non-silicone thermally conductive grease compounds. The polysynthetic-based thermal interface material (TIM) suits thin bond line applications that are also adverse to silicone contamination.

The low-bleed, low-resistance grease is infused with heat-conductive metal oxides to deliver thermal conductivity from 0.75 to 2.60 W/m&#176K. Sarcon non-silicone greases offer low evaporation characteristics and are engineered to deliver consistent performance across temperatures from -55&#176 to +205&#176C.

Multiple packaging options include pre-filled 3cc (6g), 10cc (28g), and 30cc (72g) syringes and 1 lb. (454g) jars for stencil deposition and automated application.

Fujipoly America Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fuji Polymer Industries Co. Ltd. of Japan, Carteret, NJ; (732) 969-0100;


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