(March 15, 2010) MORRIS TOWNSHIP, NJ — Honeywell (NYSE: HON) Electronic Materials debuted a printable thermal management material designed to help manage the high heat produced by increasingly powerful semiconductors in portable computing devices such as laptops and netbooks.
Honeywell PCM45M-SP builds on Honeywell’s Electronic Materials’ existing line of thermal management materials. As semiconductors become more powerful and smaller, more heat is being generated in the confined spaces where semiconductors are packaged for end-use applications. This tremendous heat can damage the semiconductor or degrade its performance, and it can damage the device as well.
“Mobile computing devices such as laptops and netbooks are placing increased demands on thermal management materials to enable high performance and ensure a long lifespan,” said Tim Chen, packaging leader for Honeywell Electronic Materials. The product combines phase-change chemistry in an innovative formulation specifically designed for these types of mobile devices.
In typical mobile computing applications, chip temperature rises steeply at start-up and remains high during operations. PCM45M-SP is designed to meet these specific thermal management requirements, delivering reliable power cycling performance where other thermal materials would typically fail.
PCM45M-SP can withstand more than 1,000 hours at 150