(July 28, 2010) — McPherson’s vacuum ultraviolet (UV) spectrometer, Model 234/302, is now available with improved efficiency over a wide wavelength range. New platinum-coated gratings suit use at windowless wavelengths, shorter than 120nm (>10eV).
The compact 200mm focal length spectrometer can be supplied with various gratings to spread optimization over the entire 30 to 550nm wavelength range; an advantage allowed by the optical design. In combination with windowless, sensitive, cooled, scientific-grade CCD detectors, adjustable slits, and f/4.5, the McPherson Model 234/302 provides fast, sensitive data collection. Extreme and vacuum ultraviolet radiation and emission spectra can be analyzed with sub-nanometer spectral resolution. Adjustable slit width enables better light throughput and spectral resolution to resolve closely spaced spectral lines. Tunability of the installed grating to longer or shorter wavelengths provides means to collect different simultaneous wavelength swaths for general-purpose spectroscopy, plasma physics, and process monitoring without compromising resolution or signal strength.
The newly introduced Pt-coated optics improve utility of the Model 234/302 vacuum ultraviolet spectrometer system. Furnished with spectral calibration certificate, the McPherson spectrometer is available with standard light sources, reflective condenser optics, and vacuum differential sections. McPherson’s application consultation assures the ultraviolet spectrometer is ready for implementation into each specific application.
McPherson Inc. manufactures a variety of instruments that measure and tune specific wavelengths of light for many disciplines of spectroscopy. For more information, visit www.McPhersonInc.com
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