(September 2, 2010) — The 5th annual IeMRC Conference, September 21 in Loughborough, UK, will include 4 sessions: Advanced packaging, Materials processing and assembly, Printed electronics, and EPSRC. Keynote speaker David Pedder will present, "The Role of Flip Chip Bonding in Advanced Packaging."
Also in the advanced packaging session:
- Norman Stockham, TWI: Joining & Packaging Technology for High-Temperature Electronics
Session 2: Materials Processing & Assembly
- Anthony Walton, University of Edinburgh: The IeMRC Flagship Project: SMART MICROSYSTEMS
- Sudipta Roy, Newcastle University: Electrochemical Microfabrication without Photolithography – A Sustainable Manufacturing Process
- Marc Desmulliez, Heriot Watt: Frequency Agile Microwave Oven Bonding System (FAMOBS): from feasibility study to production prototype
Session 3: Printed Electronics
- Hazel Assender, University of Oxford: Introducing the RoVaCBE Flagship project: Roll-to-roll Vacuum processed Carbon Based Electronics
- Steve Jones, Printed Electronics Ltd: Printed Electronics: a Review of the State of the Art’
- Peter Wilson, University of Surrey: Ink Jet Printing & Spin-coating of Electrically Conductive Polymers
Session 4: EPSRC
- Matt Ball, EPSRC: The Research Council for Manufacturing
Professor Paul Conway, IeMRC Director, will close the day.
For registration, email [email protected]