May 16, 2011 — Silicon Valley’s NY cousin, Mohawk Valley, is attracting investment with university-industry collaborations on leading edge semiconductor manufacturing. Mark Reynolds, SVP, planning & development, Marcy Nanocenter and Mohawk Valley Edge; and David Rooney, SVP, business development & marketing, Center for Economic Growth, speak with senior technical editor Debra Vogler at The ConFab 2011.
Mohawk Valley Edge attracts innovation jobs and investment to upstate NY. The Center for Economic Growth draws investors and encourages growth in companies to the capital region (Albany) of NY.
Listen to the interview:
Marcy Nanocenter, on a state university campus, is constructing a 300mm or 450mm semiconductor manufacturing center. The speakers are looking for companies to use this research fab to develop new processes and products. New business opportunities also arise for fabless companies, which could collaborate with the center as well.
This semiconductor manufacturing center encourages development domestically in the US, says Rooney, and the ConFab allows Mohawk Valley Edge and the Center to meet with high-tech, leading-edge semiconductor companies.
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