by Jan Willis, eBeam Initiative
October 5, 2011 – The eBeam Initiative held its second annual BACUS event on Tuesday, September 20, to continue to promote greater education and focus on eBeam technologies. Five new members were welcomed to the eBeam Initiative (Applied Materials, IMS Chips, Mentor Graphics, Multibeam, and SoftJin Technologies) bringing the total number of company members to 37.
Kicking off the event was a preview of what would later be named the Best Poster in the session immediately after the event. Dr. Gek Soon Chua of GlobalFoundries presented 20nm results using model-based mask data preparation (MB-MDP) from D2S, co-author of the paper. Their conclusion, backed up with PV Band, mask error enhancement factor (MEEF), depth of focus (DOF) and Via area analysis, was that by using overlapping shots, GlobalFoundries can mimic the ideal OPC data/mask shape to realize lithography performance and at the same time achieve significant shot count reduction. It’s like having your cake and eating it, too.
Another presentation by AMTC’s Christian B