AFM images MEMS structures with quantitative measurements

December 8, 2011 — JPK Instruments introduced additional quantitative imaging capabilities for the recently launched NanoWizard3 atomic force microscopy (AFM) analytical system. QI, or quantitative imaging mode, enables full control of tip-sample force at every pixel.

The force curve-based imaging mode avoids setpoint or gain adjustment while scanning. Applying JPK’s ForceWatch technology, QI can be used on challenging samples, such as MEMS structures with steep edges, soft or sticky sample, or nanotubes. QI targets high resolution and force sensitivity, obtaining quantitative data.

Measuring a real and complete force distance curve at every pixel of the image gives all information about the local tip-sample interaction with high spatial resolution.

The QI-Advanced software package is an extension of the standard QI version enabling quantitative measurement of nano-scale material properties such as stiffness, adhesion, dissipation and more.

JPK makes nanoanalytic instrumentation for the bio and nano sciences. Learn more at

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