December 14, 2011 — Linkstar Microtronics Pte. Ltd. customers have qualified the pilot shipment of silicon optic devices fabricated with Singapore’s A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics (IME) MEMS technology.
IME developed the MEMS technology for LinkStar, a recent spin-off from IME. Linkstar developed the novel silicon optical devices based on this MEMS technology, using what it calls a highly accurate, repeatable, and cost-competitive process.
The IME silicon MEMS technology enables accurate alignment of optical devices to the optical fiber arrays, ensuring that the maximum amount of light is coupled to the devices with minimal optical power loss. Compared to traditional alignment methods, the MEMS-based system significantly reduces the cost of packaging, as well as the time spent at alignment, IME reports.
This is one of IME’s forays into photonics, leveraging its expertise in areas such as MEMS technology. "Attaining volume production status from the customer marks a significant milestone achievement on our silicon photonics roadmap, said Prof. Dim-Lee Kwong, executive director of IME.
The silicon MEMS technology is licensed to LinkStar via A*STAR’s commercialization arm, Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd.
The Institute of Microelectronics (IME) is a research institute of the Science and Engineering Research Council of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). For more information, visit IME on the Internet:
LinkStar Microtronics Pte. Ltd. (LinkStar) is a fabless semiconductor company that offers innovative silicon devices. For more information, visit LinkStar’s website
Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd (ETPL) is the strategic marketing and commercialization arm of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). For more information, please visit