MEMS at heart of new iNEMI efforts, starting with test/reliability

March 13, 2012 — The International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) began 2 collaborative efforts related to micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) technology, specifically reliability and test, and will host a workshop, May 10 in Pittsburgh immediately following the MEMS Industry Group’s M2M Forum 2012.
Because test and reliability are common issues to be addressed across the MEMS manufacturing supply chain, a collaborative approach to industry-wide solutions was the best approach, said iNEMI CEO Bill Bader.
In 2011, the iNEMI Roadmap featured a separate chapter on MEMS for the first time, focused on the technology and business directions for MEMS technology over the next 10 years. This roadmap information, gap analysis, and industry input were combined to identify and prioritize several critical MEMS manufacturing issues:

  • MEMS Test Methods and Capabilities – iNEMI’s team will focus on providing possible refinements for testing in-process and at the process back-end.  
  • MEMS Reliability Methodologies – This initiative will investigate the development of generic reliability testing specifications/methods for integrated MEMS devices that enable specification conformance and effectively propagate key device failure mechanisms.    

The one-day MEMS Workshop will facilitate interaction and discussion on the key challenges that the industry needs to address collaboratively. The main objectives include refining the participants’ focus based on the iNEMI Roadmap and results from iNEMI’s MEMS workshop in the UK in 2011, identifying and evaluating additional collaboration opportunities around MEMS manufacturing and deployment, then forming action groups to define and execute the required collaborative programs. Attendees will also define research and development needs to support these programs.     

The International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) comprises 100 manufacturers, suppliers, consortia and associations, and government agencies and academia, collaborating to forecast and accelerate improvements in the electronics manufacturing industry. iNEMI roadmaps the needs of the electronics industry, identifies gaps in the technology infrastructure, establishes implementation projects to eliminate these gaps (both business and technical), and stimulates standards activities to speed the introduction of new technologies. For additional information about iNEMI, go to

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