LED researchers install VECO MOCVD in Korea

April 13, 2012 – BUSINESS WIRE — LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center (LIFTRC) of Korea tapped Veeco Instruments Inc. (Nasdaq:VECO) for a TurboDisc K465i gallium nitride (GaN) metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system for research and development of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), including green LEDs and ultraviolet (UV) versions.

The Veeco K465i MOCVD system fit LIFTRC’s needs with full automation and low cost of ownership, said Dr. Ja-Soon Jang, chief director, LIFTRC, and Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, at Yeungnam University. The tool achieves up to 90% yield (5nm bin). Uniform FlowFlange technology enables high within-wafer uniformity and process repeatability.

This research lab sale illustrates Korea’s leadership in advancing LED technology, noted William J. Miller, Ph.D., Veeco EVP, Process Equipment. LIFTRC was appointed by the Korea Ministry of Knowledge Economy as the southeastern region’s LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center (technology support center). Among its aims is to develop LED-IT fusion technology into core and leading commercialized technologies with local and global LED companies. Learn more at http://english.liftrc.re.kr/.

Veeco makes equipment to develop and manufacture LEDs, solar cells, hard disk drives and other devices. We support our customers through product development, manufacturing, sales and service sites in the U.S., Korea, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Japan, Europe and other locations. Please visit us at www.veeco.com.

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