6. High-Frequency, Low-Leakage IGZO Transistors for Internet of Things
Category: Alternatives to Silicon
Paper 6.5 – 20-nm-node Trench-Gate-Self-Aligned Crystalline In-Ga-Zn-Oxide FET with High Frequency and Low Off-State Current; Daisuke Matsubayashi et al, Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., LTD
Much work is ongoing to develop low-power devices and circuits for Internet of Things applications. A team from Japan’s Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co. will describe how they made 20nm gate-all-around MOSFETs with incredibly low off-state currents of <0.1pA, yet with cutoff frequencies exceeding 10GHz. The transistors were made from thin films of indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (IGZO). They were built using a self-aligned process that eliminated overlaps from the gate to the source and drain, rendering the channel immune from short-channel effects that otherwise would degrade performance. Integrated in a DRAM memory cell to demonstrate their performance, their extremely low off-current allowed for data retention of >10 days at 125°C.
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