Belle Wei appointed to SEMI Foundation board of trustees

The SEMI Foundation today announced that Belle W. Y. Wei, Ph.D., was elected as a new director to the SEMI Foundation Board of Trustees in accordance with the association’s by-laws. Her appointment to the Board is immediately effective.

The SEMI Foundation is known for its flagship program, SEMI High Tech U, which serves high school students interested in pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).  Since 2001, the Foundation has delivered 190 programs to over 6,000 students and teachers worldwide. Companies and organizations join the SEMI Foundation’s existing High Tech U program, by generously offering financial support, in-kind donations and volunteering at High Tech U events.

Belle Wei has held a range of leadership positions at California State University, Chico, and San Jose State University’s College of Engineering. Wei has promoted student success and bolstered STEM education, expanded educational access for historically underrepresented groups, and helped improve students’ timely graduation. She also led the Engineering Pathway Initiative that brought the Project Lead the Way engineering curricula to middle and high schools in the San Francisco/Silicon Valley region to prepare young students for colleges and careers in STEM fields. Wei presented before U.S. Congress in 2006 and contributed to the America COMPETES Act of 2007. In 2012, she participated in the “10,000 Engineers Initiative” of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Wei has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley and Master of Science degree in Engineering from Harvard University. Her undergraduate degree is in Biophysics from the University of California, Berkeley.

“We are inspired by Belle’s deep engagement in higher education and her drive to help students pursue STEM careers,” said Denny McGuirk, president and CEO of SEMI. “We welcome her to the Board and look forward to utilizing her knowledge and experience as we expand the SEMI Foundation’s contributions to STEM education and workforce development.”

“I’m impressed with the SEMI Foundation’s High Tech U program, which helps students understand the connection of STEM skills to future career opportunities in high tech. At a more strategic level, the Foundation’s track record of engaging industry sponsors is remarkable,” said Belle Wei. “I’m looking forward to working with the Board and helping to develop new opportunities for the SEMI Foundation to strengthen its role in STEM education and career exploration for young people.”

Other members of the SEMI Foundation Board are: Denny McGuirk, chairman of the SEMI Foundation and president and CEO of SEMI; Richard Salsman, CFO and treasurer of the SEMI Foundation and CFO and executive vice president of Global Alliances at SEMI; Leslie Tugman, secretary of the SEMI Foundation and executive director of the SEMI Foundation; Arthur Zafiropoulo, chairman and CEO of Ultratech; Yong Han Lee, chairman of Wonik; Stanley Myers, president of ST Myers and Associates; Dana Ditmore, Oak Valley Consulting; and John Biera, principal of Central High School in Phoenix, Ariz.

The SEMI Foundation’s Board of Trustees represent companies from Asia and the United States, reflecting the global scope of the association’s activities. For more information about the SEMI Foundation, visit


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