Full program for SEMI European MEMS Summit announced

By Yann Guillou, SEMI Europe

Leading companies will present the latest and most impactful trends at the upcoming SEMI European MEMS Summit in Stuttgart on 15-16 September, 2016.  Over 200 attendees, including the industry’s most influential executives and decision makers, are expected to discuss challenges, solutions, and critical trends impacting the sector.  The full program line-up for SEMI’s MEMS flagship event is available online.  Have a look and register now.

The event’s keynote presentation will be delivered by Udo Gomez, CTO of Bosch Sensortec, headquartered just a few kilometers away from the conference venue.  During his talk titled, “Smart Connected MEMS Sensors – Enabler for the IoT,” with the perspective of a sensor systems integrator, Gomez will discuss how different application domains overlap, the key drivers of connectivity and digitalization, and what is missing with respect to bridging future technologies.

One of the MEMS “Titans,” Benedetto Vigna, EVP and GM of STMicroelectronics, will deliver a keynote about “MEMS Sensors and Actuators – Opportunities and Challenges” and review their implication on ST focus areas such as Smart Driving and the Internet of Things.  It will be exciting to see what Vigna will share with the audience and what details might support what Peter Clarke recently called the “ST resurgence”.

Representing one of the largest growing companies of 2015, Robert Aigner, senior director from Qorvo, will keynote and present the success story behind BAW filters in his talk called “BAW and the “Edge of Tomorrow” in Wireless Communication: Innovate, Ramp. Repeat.” BAW filters had been termed “niche play,” but are now identified as key enablers for smartphones with multibillions of units expected to ship in 2016.

Addressing a key aspect of the quadriptych “power, performance, area and cost” equation, Adrian Arcedera, VP, AMKOR, will in his keynote talk discuss “Sensor in Package – Standard Package Platform for Sensor Fusion and IoT”. To offer cost competitive solutions without compromising performance, he will explain what standardization efforts are needed in packaging, assembly, test, and detail the solution proposed by AMKOR. He may also take the opportunity to provide additional info about the brand new MEMS plant of AMKOR in China.

In addition to these keynote talks, a top notch speaker line-up will be presented to attendees. Market analysts will share the results of their latest reports featuring IHS, Yole Developpement, and Roland Berger. Foundries such as GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Teledyne DALSA will present their strategies. The hyper active company in M&A, ams AG, will talk about MEMS and optical sensor in consumer and wearable electronics.

Intel will join the stage, addressing wearables in addition to providing a review of the key enabling technologies impacting MEMS today. NXP and Bosch will discuss sensors for automotive.  MEMS and CMOS integration, from a process and design perspective, will be addressed by Fraunhofer IPMS and Coventor and Invensas will deliver a presentation from a technological aspect.  Last, but not least, we are very excited to introduce great and promising start-ups InnoluceUSoundPolight and Enerbee. Attendees can look forward to hearing their pitches and learning about their innovative ideas.

Exhibitor space has sold out, but you can visit our website to see who will be exhibiting at the European MEMS Summit in Stuttgart.  Connect to the leaders and industry professionals that will help “Make Every Market Smarter” in the MEMS and Sensor value chain.  Register now, and be part of this exciting event in Stuttgart!

Please follow: SEMI Europe LinkedIn and SEMI Europe Twitter; also Global SEMI LinkedIn and SEMI Twitter.


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