ISS Europe 2017: European innovation leadership

Following economic leaders meeting in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum, electronics manufacturing executives will attend Europe’s SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium (ISS Europe) in Munich, Germany on 5-7 March. Hosted by SEMI Europe, the Symposium brings together leading analysts, researchers, economists, and technologists for critical insights on the forces shaping the electronics manufacturing supply chain. ISS Europe 2017 is the three-day flagship business event that discusses how to cope with the rapid changes and growing challenges of the digital revolution.

“ISS Europe is the leading European strategic platform where industry thought leaders across the electronics manufacturing value chain share the latest analysis and outlooks.  The conference covers global industry trends and challenges and opportunities from innovation, materials, design, and manufacturing – with a focus on end-applications in automotive, health care and smart manufacturing,” said Laith Altimime, president, SEMI Europe.

Twenty industry leaders will present insights into the current market developments in automotive, smart manufacturing, and health, including:

  • TSMC Europe: Maria Marced, president, High Performance Applications to Drive Innovation and Collaboration
  • Mentor Graphics: Wally Rhines, CEO, Semiconductor Consolidation versus Specialization: What’s the Driving Force for Mergers?
  • AUDI AG: Berthold Hellenthal, Robust Design / Komponentenerprobung Elektronik, Cross-Industry Collaboration Networks Accelerate Innovations
  • Dresden University Hospital: Christopher Piorkowski, professor at the Heart Center, Digital Health in Cardiovascular Medicine: Patients, Sensors, and Clinical Care
  • Bosch: Birte Lübbert, senior VP, Smart Manufacturing by Bosch in Reutlingen Plant 2
  • Imec: Ann Stegen, executive VP, Transformation into a 7nm Logic Node Solution with Fundamental Advantages

Join Europe’s strategic thinkers and business drivers at ISS Europe 2017 in Munich (Germany) from March 5-7, 2017!  Register here. For more information visit:


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