LG Innotek unveils the world’s first 70mW UV-C LED

LG Innotek today announced that the company has developed the world’s first 70mw UV-C LED for sterilization applications. As its sterilization performance is 1.5 times higher than the competitor’s 45mW module.

UV-C LED produces the short wavelength ultraviolet rays in the range of 200 — 280nm, allowing it to be used for sterilization purpose. It prevents the proliferation of bacteria by destroying their DNA. LG Innotek’s product emits UV in the range of 280nm.

Until now, UV-C LED has been mainly applied in small sanitary products because its low optical power led to low sterilization performance. The power of LEDs for toothbrush sterilizers is 1mW and that for sterilizing the water tank of humidifier is 2mW.

LG Innotek improved UV-C LED’s optical power to 70mW by utilizing its proprietary LED vertical chip technology. While the product measures only 6mm in both its length and width, its sterilization performance is the world’s best.

The company overcomes the UV output limit with specialized LED chip technology. The epitaxial structure design and vertical chip technology to maximize light extraction have increased the output and ensured quality reliability by effectively exhausting heat.

As the company’s product is compact and boasts high sterilization performance, it can be applied to various fields such as water purifiers and air purifiers as it allows you to sterilize flowing water and air.

It is also good for use in hardening equipment in the manufacturing industry. The UV output is strong, the performance of the curing device can be enhanced.

Manufacturers of water purification, cleaning and curing device can benefit from stable supply of UV-C LEDs optimized for respective purposes from LG Innotek. Because LG Innotek is equipped with a consistent production system that produces Epi-wafers, chips, packages, and modules, and offers its products to its customers after rigorous quality management.

Along with its 280nm UV-C LED, LG Innotek has a lineup of LEDs from 365nm, 385nm, 395nm, and 405nm UV-A LEDs for general industrial purposes to 305nm UV-B LEDs for bio and medical purposes.

According to Yole Development, a market research firm, the UV LED market is forecast to grow from 130 million USD in 2015 to 270 million USD in 2017.



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One thought on “LG Innotek unveils the world’s first 70mW UV-C LED

  1. Mikael Andersson

    Steralizers for Medical instruments especially in non-developed countries would be a huge market.
    Where it can be more difficult to generate Steam because it needs more electricity.

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