Semiconductor Industry Association announces support of House tax reform blueprint

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, this week announced its support for the House “Better Way” corporate tax reform proposal as an appropriate starting point for reform. The proposal is expected to be considered by Congress this year.

“The “Better Way” corporate tax reform blueprint would make America’s corporate tax system more competitive and allow U.S. semiconductor companies to grow, innovate, and create more jobs here in the United States,” said John Neuffer, president and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “While there are many details of significance to our industry that need to be understood and addressed, we support the proposal as a framework for moving forward with tax reform.

“We recognize the debate is just getting underway. SIA intends to work closely with Congress and the Administration to pass corporate tax reform to improve the competitiveness of the United States as a location for semiconductor research, design, manufacturing, and export.”


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