GLOBALFOUNDRIES CTO Gary Patton to deliver opening keynote at GSA Silicon Summit

Dr. Gary Patton, Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President of Worldwide Research and Development at GLOBALFOUNDRIES, will deliver the opening keynote address at the inaugural GSA Silicon Summit – East, being held Tuesday, October 9 in Saratoga Springs, NY.

The conference is presented by the Saratoga County Prosperity Partnership (Saratoga Partnership), Saratoga County, NY’s economic development agency; the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA), a leading voice for the worldwide semiconductor industry; and the Center for Economic Growth (CEG), a regional economic and business development organization.

A well-recognized industry leader in semiconductor technology R&D with over 30 years of semiconductor experience, Gary Patton is responsible for GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ semiconductor technology R&D roadmap, operations and execution. His address will discuss “Market Drivers for Moore and Beyond Moore Semiconductor Technologies.”

“We are delighted that Gary Patton, a distinguished technologist, innovator, visionary and thought leader in the semiconductor industry, will be launching the first GSA Silicon Summit – East with his keynote,” said Shrikant Lohokare, Executive Director and Senior Vice President, GSA. “I can see Gary’s unique insights into technology inflections and emerging market opportunities they enable at the leading edge of Moore’s Law and Beyond setting the tone for a fantastic program and discussions to follow.”

“Gary Patton is the perfect choice to kick off Silicon Summit – East, which focuses the eyes of the semiconductor world squarely on Saratoga County,” said Marty Vanags, President of the Saratoga County Prosperity Partnership. “Gary’s leadership role in enabling GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ position as the world’s most advanced semiconductor manufacturing operation demonstrates his success in driving innovative technology that delivers business results.”

Prior to joining GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Patton was Vice President of IBM’s Semiconductor Research and Development Center, where he was responsible for IBM’s semiconductor R&D and technology development alliances. A Fellow of the IEEE, he received the 2017 IEEE Frederik Philips Award for industry influence and leadership in the development of leading-edge microelectronics technology and collaborative research, and in 2016 was inducted into the VLSI Research Hall of Fame for his contributions to the advancement of the semiconductor industry over several decades.

Additional speakers confirmed at this time include Mukesh Khare, Vice President of the IBM Research Semiconductor Group; Gary Bronner, Deputy CTO and Senior Vice President of Rambus Labs/Rambus; and Huibert Verhoeven, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the IoT Division, Synaptics.  A complete list can be found at

Registration is now open for Silicon Summit – East at Complete information about the event, including the program and sponsorship opportunities, can be found at

GSA Silicon Summit – East is the product of a strategic alliance established last year by the Saratoga Partnership and GSA, which represents more than 400 member companies in 32 countries that combine for over 75 percent of revenue in the $400 billion semiconductor industry. With a theme of “Harnessing Emerging Semiconductor Market Opportunities,” the event is designed to promote partnerships and drive efficiencies that advance semiconductor technology and business, while also informing the regional ecosystem on growth opportunities.



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