Sept. 4, 2002 – San Jose, CA – Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI), has created a relief fund to provide assistance to those affected by the devastating floods in central Europe.
“The epic floods in Europe have been an extraordinary hardship for the people in the region. The Red Cross estimates that damages in Germany alone exceed $10 billion.” said Stanley Myers, president and CEO of SEMI. “Recognizing the bond between participants in the global semiconductor equipment and materials industry and the people in the semiconductor producing region near Dresden, the SEMI board of directors has authorized our association to establish a fund to support relief efforts in the region on behalf of the global SEMI membership.”
SEMI’s fund is open to its global staff, its more than 2,500 member companies worldwide and to all corporate and individual donors wishing to make contributions. All donations will be transferred to the International Red Cross and earmarked for the Dresden flood victims.