December 10, 2007 – IBM and JSR Micro say they will worth together to explore new technologies for emerging semiconductor materials and processes, targeting next-generation lithography as well as self-assembly applications.
Under the joint research agreement, they will collaborate on a set of exploratory projects, initially targeting new materials for future lithography technology, but later possibly including nontraditional areas such as self-assembly. Work will be done at IBM’s Almaden Research Center in San Jose, CA.
“We view this as a strategic extension of our research and development (R&D) program which will yield benefits for all of our customers,” said JSR Micro president Eric Johnson, in a statement.
“Our joint research with JSR helps us do even more exploratory work at critical mass,” added Gian-Luca Bona, senior manager, science & technology, at IBM’s Almaden Research Center. “This partnership combines the deep chemistry and materials science expertise of IBM Research and JSR’s record of innovation and technology impact in the electronic chemicals arena.”