August 18, 2008 – The global solar cell market will surge fourfold to roughly ¥4.6T (US $41.74B) by 2012, with much faster growth in the sector for silicon-conserving solar cells, according to Japanese market research firm Fuji Keizai, cited by the Nikkei Business Daily.
The firm projects the market for crystalline silicon solar cells, the most widely used, to more than triple to nearly ¥3.5B ($31.76). But demand for solar cells such as spherical and thin-film models, which use significantly less silicon (and also don’t compete for demand with semiconductors), is seen growing 11× to ¥640B ($5.81B). Silicon-free compound solar cells are seen reaching ¥560B ($5.08B), about 7.5× the size of that market in 2007, with more than half of that (¥300B/$2.72B) projected to be copper-indium-selenide (i.e. CIGS), the paper notes.