(August 5, 2010) — Vycom consolidated its fire-safe product offerings under the Flametec family of clean room and semiconductor materials. Flametec fire-safe materials are specially formulated to exceed fire compliances for polymers in semiconductor, clean room, and other applications. Flametec is used for a variety of applications including tools, wet benches, cabinetry and furniture. With excellent workability, the chemically resistant materials are easy to fabricate and form.
The products:
Flametec Clean Room PVC-C: designed to be the most economical FM4910-rated material choice while maintaining superior chemical resistance. It suits use in construction of wet benches, process tools, and clean room furniture and cabinetry. This product is a true CPVC material with no plasticizers added and is available in a range of thicknesses.
Flametec CP-7D Flame Retardant Polypropylene: a proprietary formulation of flame retardant polypropylene designed for wet process tools, furniture and cabinetry construction and fume and exhaust hoods. The consistent formula, superior surface aesthetics and light weight FM4910 material make it suitable for clean room applications
Flametec KytecR PVDF: an ultra pure fluoropolymer well suited for harsh chemical, thermal and ultraviolet environments, Kytec is resistant to most acids, bases and organic solvents. It is used in semiconductor, petrochemical and nuclear industries. Kytec targets wet process tools, plenum and chemical tanks, chemical containment, pulp and paper, petrochemical, metallurgical and pharmaceutical applications. With excellent mechanical strength and stiffness as well as abrasion and creep resistance, Kytec is FM 4910 and FDA compliant.
Flametec CP-5 Flame Retardant Polypropylene: formulated to meet the SEMIS93 and UL 94 V-0 specification for fire safety in clean room applications. CP-5 provides a more competitive alternative when a factory mutual listing is not required. It is used for laminar air flow stations, clean room accessories, biological safety cabinets and fume hood. With superior impact strength, CP-5 has a consistent formulation and is available in a variety of thicknesses as well as oversized sheets.
Vycom, a division of CPG International, offers products, capabilities, and inventory for all Olefin and PVC. For more information, visit http://www.vycomplastics.com.
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