Discera Qualifies MEMS Oscillators

Passing harsh environment tests, highly accelerated stress tests (HAST), and other qualifiers brings MEMS-based timing viability for high-volume manufacturing, said Ed Grant, VP North American products and operations, Vectron International, a strategic partner of Discera. High-temperature storage test, thermal shock tests, and others are typical for quartz-based devices, added Bahle, noting that HAST and further, more rigorous tests were borrowed from semiconductor qualification environments.

(August 28, 2007) PHEONIX, AZ &#151 Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation honored Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials, CMP Technologies with the company’s 2007 Excellent Supplier Award, recognizing the efforts of the four Rohm and Haas business units that support SMIC: CMP Technologies, Microelectronic Technologies, Packaging and Finishing Technologies and Ion Exchange Resins. The criteria evaluated in choosing award recipients included quality, cost, on-time delivery, service and the environment.


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