HEPA Filters
A new range of high quality HEPA filters is being launched by Farr Europe which feature an air-tight seal and can be changed in only 10 minutes. Heading the range is the CPX RG, which uses a dialetic gel to form a completely air-tight seal, guaranteeing efficiencies from 99.99 percent on 0.3 micron particles (HEPA) or 99.9995 percent on 0.12-micron particles (ULPA). A flat plate, perforated diffuser/damper allows air flow adjustment easily from inside the cleanroom to 90 +/-20 fpm over the full range of duct static pressures. The filters are designed and constructed to minimize turbulence, eliminate air-whistling noise, and provide uniform air distribution across the filter face. The entire module is factory-sealed and scan-tested to eliminate the possibility of leakage.
Farr Filtration Ltd., Birmingham, England 0121-707-8211