Flexible manufacturing fab transport system
Shuttleworth, Inc. has introduced the Clean Passage system, a flexible manufacturing fab transport system that enables point-to-point routing of work-in-process in flat panel display or semiconductor fabs. It is suitable for interbay and intrabay transport and local buffering of cassettes and pods above the ceiling through use of a self-contained minienvironment. Clean Passage fab transport systems consist of Slip-Trak conveyors in a minienvironment suspended above the ceilings of both clean and dirty areas of the fab. Clean vertical conveyors deliver cassettes and pods and receive them from cleanroom bays or tool clusters within the bays. The Clean Passage minienvironment is equipped with its own filters and is designed to connect directly to the fab HVAC system. It is cleanroom compatible to Class 1 in the product area depending on specific user requirements.
Shuttleworth, Inc., Huntington, IN (219) 356-8500