Micralyne brings MEMS design, prototyping partner into foundry model

November 7, 2011 — BUSINESS WIRE — MEMS foundry Micralyne Inc. brought Nanoshift LLC, a product development firm specializing in emerging technologies, on board for design, process development, fabrication and packaging partnerships.

Micralyne has a similar partnership with A.M. Fitzgerald & Associates (AMFitzgerald).

This integrated design and manufacturing approach targets lower entry barriers to micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) device companies looking to commercialize products. The partnership takes Nanoshift from third-party supplier to an "essential part" of the Micralyne business model, said Nancy Fares, CEO of Micralyne.

Fares adds that the partnership approach "minimizes risk and cost" in the transition from proof-of-concept to volume production. The integrated model streamlines market introduction, added Salah Uddin, co-founder of Nanoshift, "moving IP through prototype, design and production." Customers work with a central project manager in the unified approach.

Nanoshift recently licensed Silex Microsystems’ Sil-Via MEMS packaging technology.

Micralyne is an independent MEMS foundry. For more information on Micralyne, please visit: www.micralyne.com.

Nanoshift LLC is a privately held design and development company that specializes in emerging technologies. For more information on Nanoshift, please visit: www.nanoshift.net.

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