August 9, 2011 – FEI has released a new version of its DualBeam system, offering a highly configurable platform to provide high-resolution, three-dimensional (3D) imaging and analysis on a wide range of sample types in materials research, life sciences, electronics, and geoscience applications.
The tool is available with either high vacuum-only or high and low vacuum electron imaging hardware. Low vacuum electron imaging capabilities allows the system to accommodate contaminating or outgassing samples that are incompatible with high vacuum operation. Low vacuum also provides the ability to compensate for charge build up in non conductive samples even at the high currents required for analysis techniques, such as energy dispersive (x-ray) spectroscopy (EDS) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD).
The platform can also be configured with FEI’s low vacuum capabilities and even environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) for in situ analysis. Features also include advanced SEM scanning and FIB patterning, plus the company’s SmartSCAN and Drift Corrected Frame Integration (DCFI) to facilitate electron beam imaging of sample types with a range of different properties. Advanced backscattered electron, as well as secondary electron and ion detectors, collect a wide variety of topographic, elemental and compositional information. Capabilities include the latest AutoSlice & View G3 software option, versatile electron imaging hardware, and high-throughput ion column Milling (with positive ions) and imaging or drift suppression (with electrons) provides a unique synergy for automation of 3D serial slicing, imaging and analysis of both electrically conductive and non-conductive samples. When combined with EDS or EBSD, EDS3 and EBS3 software options can also be used to reconstruct elemental maps or crystallographic orientation data in 3D.