Norcada microporous silicon nitride sample holders suit thin film study

January 17, 2012 – — Norcada launched 2 microporous silicon nitride transmission electron microscopy (TEM) sample holders, suiting atomic layer deposition (ALD) analysis, thin film growth, and other applications under TEM, SEM, or STXM tools.

The windows have a mesh structure with 2µm-diameter holes and 3µm distance, and their uniform high-quality silicon nitride film is available in 50nm and 200nm thicknesses.

Norcada micro-porous TEM membrane films a supportive platform for overhanging samples across the 2um holes. A string-shaped material or a micron-sized sample can be placed or grown across the holes, allowing for a no thin film background for the microscopy image.

"The microporous TEM membranes easily withstand manipulation of small particles with a single-hair paintbrush," said Dr. Anna Butterworth from the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, where they have been using the membrane for thin-film measurements in a project involving ALD samples studied with transmission x-ray spectroscopy. "The holey membrane is ideal for nm-resolution work in TEM and STXM."

Norcada microporous TEM membranes are manufactured to fit any commercial TEM sample holder, and are inspected and packaged in a Class 100 (ISO-4-5) Cleanroom.

Norcada is a micro/nano device product development company, with extensive industrial experience and capabilities in MEMS design and fabrication for Silicon Optical Benches (SiOB), sensors, X-ray microscopy windows and TEM Analysis Windows, and other commercial devices. Norcada has a state-of-the-art MEMS design, prototyping, and test facility. Learn more at

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