Spotlight on MEMS: SEMI launches new European MEMS Summit

SEMI today announced the launch of the European MEMS Summit, to be held on 17-18 September 2015 in Milan, Italy.  With a 13 percent CAGR over the period of 2013-2019 (predicted by Yole Developpement), and the expected growth from the Internet of Things (IoT), the MEMS market has taken on a new importance — making collaboration around new business and technologies critically important.

The European MEMS Summit will address MEMS technologies, manufacturing, applications and time-to-growth. Over the course of the two-day event, more than 20 keynote and invited speakers from the entire supply chain will share their perspectives and latest updates, including participation by European MEMS leaders. Fabless, foundries, IDMs, OSATs, equipment and materials companies will deliver talks on MEMS and sensors. In addition, a focused industry exhibition will complement the conferences offering with additional networking opportunities.

Industry issues to be discussed at the conference:

  • Market drivers for MEMS applications and technology
  • Impact and opportunities arising from IoT and sensor-centric applications
  • Innovations in technology including new detection principles
  • Managing quick ramp up and product changeover — challenges for the supply chain
  • Standardization as a driver for cost reduction?
  • Trends relative to fabless and foundries business model

These issues are increasingly critical to maintaining MEMS growth and leading executives support this new SEMI event. “Bosch highly welcomes this new SEMI event in Europe since European manufacturers play a leading role in this industry,” says Stefan Finkbeiner, CEO of Bosch Sensortec.  Benedetto Vigna, executive VP and general manager of the Analog, MEMS and Sensors Group at STMicroelectronics, states that “With a significant part of MEMS success centered near Milan, the city offers the perfect backdrop for this event highlighting the technology’s magnificence and exceptional value.”

Conference speakers will address innovation in technology, with presentations covering new detection principles, new technologies, increased importance of software, as well as new types of MEMS devices. Challenges in the supply chain and the need for a more efficient MEMS-based ecosystem will also be explored during the Summit. Speakers will examine the potential evolution of MEMS fabless and foundries and the need for deeper collaboration between partners.

Business topics will cover macro market trends and feature specific talks on MEMS business challenges, possible industry consolidation and the expected advantages of standardization. Applications of MEMS in different segments including consumer, automotive, industrial, healthcare, and wearable will be discussed. IoT, the sensor-centric phenomenon, will present significant opportunities for MEMS.

The conference program is developed by a steering committee composed of MEMS industry professionals including ASE, Bosch Sensortec, CEA-Leti, EV Group, Fraunhofer ENAS, Fraunhofer IZM, Freescale Semiconductor, IHS, Okmetic, Sencio, SPTS, STMicroelectronics, SUSS MicroTec, X-Fab and Yole Developpement.

Please visit for more information and to register for the European MEMS Summit email list, with important updates about the event. For more information on SEMI, visit


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