Global semiconductor sales increase in April; Steady growth projected

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) announced worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $27.6 billion for the month of April 2015, 4.8 percent higher than the April 2014 total of $26.3 billion and 0.4 percent lower than last month’s total of $27.7 billion. The Americas market posted double-digit growth compared to last year, leading all regions. All monthly sales numbers are compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization and represent a three-month moving average. Additionally, a new WSTS industry forecast projects steady market growth for the next three years.

“Year-to-year semiconductor sales increased for the 24th straight month in April, thanks largely to continued growth in the Americas and Asia Pacific regional markets,” said John Neuffer, president and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “The global industry has posted higher sales through April than at the same point in 2014, and we expect continued growth for the rest of 2015 and beyond.”

Regionally, year-to-year sales increased in the Americas (12.2 percent), China (9.9 percent), and Asia Pacific/All Other (5.2 percent), while sales decreased compared with last year in Europe (-5.6 percent) and Japan (-10.7 percent). Compared with last month, sales were up in the Asia Pacific/All Other (2.3 percent) category, but down in Japan (-0.2 percent), China (-0.7 percent), Europe (-2.3 percent), and the Americas (-3.4 percent).

Additionally, SIA today endorsed the WSTS Spring 2015 global semiconductor sales forecast, which projects the industry’s worldwide sales will reach $347.2 billion in 2015, a 3.4 percent increase from the 2014 sales total. WSTS projects year-to-year increases for 2015 in Asia Pacific (7.0 percent) and the Americas (3.7 percent), with decreases projected for Europe (-3.6 percent) and Japan (-9.5 percent).

Beyond 2015, the industry is expected to grow at a modest pace across all regions. WSTS forecasts 3.4 percent growth globally for 2016 ($358.9 billion in total sales) and 3.0 percent growth for 2017 ($369.6 billion). WSTS tabulates its semi-annual industry forecast by convening an extensive group of global semiconductor companies that provide accurate and timely indicators of semiconductor trends.

April 2015
Month-to-Month Sales
Market Last Month Current Month % Change
Americas 5.81 5.61 -3.4%
Europe 2.96 2.89 -2.3%
Japan 2.54 2.54 -0.2%
China 7.83 7.78 -0.7%
Asia Pacific/All Other 8.58 8.78 2.3%
Total 27.72 27.60 -0.4%
Year-to-Year Sales
Market Last Year Current Month % Change
Americas 5.00 5.61 12.2%
Europe 3.06 2.89 -5.6%
Japan 2.84 2.54 -10.7%
China 7.08 7.78 9.9%
Asia Pacific/All Other 8.35 8.78 5.2%
Total 26.34 27.60 4.8%
Three-Month-Moving Average Sales
Market Nov/Dec/Jan Feb/Mar/Apr % Change
Americas 6.51 5.61 -13.8%
Europe 2.95 2.89 -2.0%
Japan 2.62 2.54 -3.0%
China 8.07 7.78 -3.6%
Asia Pacific/All Other 8.40 8.78 4.5%
Total 28.54 27.60 -3.3%


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